Lovely little ants in my home
Written by Ajjanamane
21 Sep 2015
second-I see little ants, of different colors, shapes and sizes, working away busily with the food that I or someone at home dropped on the floor, or, left unattended on the kitchen counter. I see them, a thousandth of my size, meticulously working on the smallest piece of leftover chapati, to eat a bit and take the rest away to store it for their future, for their kids. Let my compassion shine forth and allow them to enjoy their hard-earned meal, as they will by themselves move out when they are done with the little piece. If I feel so strongly that they are intruding, let me have the love to gently move the piece of chapathi to a place that I don't consider mine, maybe my backyard. For, every time I have done this, I have noticed that every single little ant has left the place peacefully, without the smallest revolt. Let me not kill, using Morteins/Hits, when it is not needed for my survival. Let me live and let live and preserve every life I can so love can shine forth through it. Let me remember that spraying poison on ants kills them but kills several of my own cells, represented by those little beings, in the process too. Let me understand that violence begets only
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